Atopic Dermatitis: How Antioxidants Help in Treating Skin Issues
The Development of Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis is a recurrent skin disease that is itchy and inflammatory. This skin issues’ prevalence has risen in the last three decades. It affects 10–20 percent of children and 1–3 percent of adults. Atopic dermatitis is distinguished by a chronic relapsing form of skin inflammation, a disruption in the epidermal-barrier function that results in dry skin, eruptions, and an Ig E-mediated sensitization to food and environmental allergens.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are thought to play a role in the development of allergic inflammation. As a result, it appears that increases in ROS production are one of the causes contributing to Atopic Dermatitis. Urine 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine levels are higher in Atopic Dermatitis patients than in healthy people. It is the result of the free radical oxidation of DNA. Thus, it appears that free radicals are involved in Atopic Dermatitis.
Until recently, studies have shown that antioxidants can effectively counteract signs and symptoms of mild-to-moderate Atopic Dermatitis.
Treating Skin Issues with Antioxidants
Dietary antioxidants, often known as non-enzymatic antioxidants, include lipid-soluble vitamins such as vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) and water-soluble vitamin C. (ascorbic acid). Vitamin E is regarded as the most important chain-breaking antioxidant. Because of its lipophilic nature, vitamin E functions as a free radical terminator, whereas vitamin C reacts directly with hydroxyl radicals, superoxide and other lipid hydroperoxides.
Vitamin C and E are fundamental nutrients that are gaining popularity in the medical and healthcare industry due to their antioxidant characteristics. Vitamin E is the most abundant physiological barrier antioxidant in the human skin. It has been demonstrated that there is an inverse association between vitamin E intake and serum Ig-E levels. Vitamin C and vitamin E work synergistically to increase the efficacy of the antioxidative defense system by recycling the tocopheryl radical to tocopherol. Several epidemiological studies have found a link between dietary antioxidants and atopic illness. Some studies have demonstrated that vitamin C and E supplementation can improve or even cure Atopic Dermatitis. This supplementation can be found in power foods such as citrus fruits like oranges and lemons, vegetable oils as well as nuts and seeds. As a result, it appears that taking vitamin C and E orally could be a great therapeutic solution for this skin issue.
Aurora Health Goat Milk Powder Enriched with Vitamin C & E!
This is why we have added vitamins C and E into our Aurora Health Goat Milk Powder formulation! Our goat milk is enriched with vitamin C and the full spectrum of vitamin E including α, β, γ, δ-tocotrienol and α-tocopherol. The added vitamins help boost more health benefits to the already enriched with goodness goat milk. Aurora Health Goat Milk Powder is an excellent choice for a nutritious diet for your whole family, including those with atopic dermatitis. It is especially good for those who have a sensitive stomach, poor digestion, malnutrition or gastric ulcers. High in calcium and protein, as well as being a source of medium-chain fatty acids that helps with inflammation in the body.

Sivaranjani, N., Rao, S. V., & Rajeev, G. (2013). Role of reactive oxygen species and antioxidants in atopic dermatitis. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR, 7(12), 2683.
Javanbakht, M. H., Keshavarz, S. A., Djalali, M., Siassi, F., Eshraghian, M. R., Firooz, A., … & Mirshafiey, A. (2011). Randomized controlled trial using vitamins E and D supplementation in atopic dermatitis. Journal of dermatological treatment, 22(3), 144-150.
Amin, M. N., Liza, K. F., Sarwar, M. S., Ahmed, J., Adnan, M. T., Chowdhury, M. I., … & Islam, M. S. (2015). Effect of lipid peroxidation, antioxidants, macro minerals and trace elements on eczema. Archives of dermatological research, 307(7), 617-623.